It is not uncommon to be mistaken when trying to decide what type and how much cardiovascular exercise is needed. First, you have to determine whether you want to burn fat, improve your recovery heart rate, or simply make your heart stronger. Aerobic exercises mostly target endurance/red slow muscle fibers. This requires keeping your heart rate at a steady rhythmic pace for a long period of time. Jogging, biking and even spinning when done in a controlled manner, will help burn fat. Aerobic activity will allow your body to intake enough oxygen so that fat (adipose tissue) can be used to produce ATP energy. This will result in a leaner more aesthetic looking physique, and an improvement in ones heart rate recovery, building more capillaries around myofibrils, and increasing the size of the left ventricle in the heart. Which will result in a greater amount of blood being pumped out to working muscles. Aerobic activity is the base of conditioning the human heart, and where most fat loss will occur.
Anaerobic exercise is performed without oxygen. This type of exercise uses mostly white fast muscle fiber. Anaerobic output means giving 80 to 100 percent of your cardiovascular ability. Sprinting, weight training and explosive power movements are all good examples of anaerobic exercises.
Movements in an anaerobic state cannot be performed for a long period of time because too much energy is required, and muscles demand more oxygen than your circulatory (heart and lungs) system can supply. If oxygen is not supplied to working muscles, fat cannot be used in an efficient manner to create energy. In such case the human body must resort to use carbohydrates or blood glucose to create energy. Glucose doe not need an oxygenated environment to create adenosine tri phosphate (ATP).
Although you will burn more calories in an anaerobic state, due to the intensity of the exercise, blood glucose and muscle liver glycogen will be diminished at a much higher metabolic rate. Some fat will be lost, but mostly glucose or muscle glycogen will be used as energy and fat loss is minimized. Train in an anaerobic environment will slightly increase the size of the human heart (strengthening the heart) this will result in a greater stoke volume.
Tabata Protocol is a type of exercise that involves mostly red fast muscle fiber. This training protocol involves maximum bursts of energy with intermittent controlled breaks. You will see significant gains in endurance and strength, but the improvements in stamina will be greater, and both glucose and fat will be used to create energy (ATP)